Golden Monkey trekking is only conducted in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. MGNP is situated in far south western Uganda and part of Virunga crescent which is shared with Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. In the same park, Golden Monkey co-exist with mountain Gorillas and a famous gorilla family known as Nyakagezi. Though gorilla trekking tops all tourist activities in the park, thing of Golden monkey trekking too.
Golden Monkey trekking starts early in the morning at 8am after briefing at the park headquarters by the ranger guides. Trekking Golden monkey doesn’t need advance payments like gorilla trekking, for it you can pay right at the park headquarters.
Golden Monkey trekking is less strenuous than Gorilla trekking. Golden monkeys home range is easily detected and well known to the game rangers by using their knowledge and experience. Being a mountainous park, golden monkeys trekkers requires average level of fitness and lucky visitors can use one stone to kill two birds at ago. While walking in the jungle for golden monkey trekking, you may come a cross a group of a gorilla family (Nyakagezi) free of charge.
Currently the cost of Uganda Golden Monkey trekking (1hr view) goes up to US$60 compared to US$100 in Rwanda. The cost include gorilla trekking and park entry. However, Golden Monkey habituation cost US$100 (Full day activity).
Golden monkeys are endemic to the Albertine Rift Valley. The live in bamboo forested areas and they can only be found in Virunga Volcanoes. Golden monkeys feed on bamboo leaves, seasonal fruits, flowers, sprouts, leaves, lichens, and small invertebrates all that are abundant in the forest.
Golden Monkey trekking can be spiced with Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.