5 Major Filming Sites In Uganda

Filming in Uganda is one of the major tourist activity. Filming in Uganda requires each film crew member to have media card/ media accreditation by Uganda Media council (UMC). Other major filming requirements in Uganda include location permit, Uganda wildlife Authority (UWA) filming contract in case you are planning to film in Uganda parks and other destinations managed by UWA, drone importation and flying permit, custom clearances among others.

There are many areas suitable for filming in Uganda but in this article, let us focus on the 5 major ones below:

1. Filming in Ugandan Gorilla parks – gorilla filming is one of the major tourist activities in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Filming gorillas in Uganda should be a must excursion while on your vacation in Uganda. Film Gorillas requires you to sign filming contract with Uganda wildlife Authority.

2. Filming in Ugandan Chimpanzee parks – chimpanzee filming in Uganda can be done in Kibale National Park, Budongo Forest, Kyambura Gorge, Toro- Semuliki game reserve or Kalinzu forest. Among all chimp destination, Kibale National Park is the most popular with many habituated chimpanzees in Uganda. Just like Gorilla filming, chimpanzee filming crew is also required to sign filming contract with Uganda Wildlife Authority.

3. Filming in Mountain Rwenzori National Park – Mountain Rwenzori is the longest block mountain in Uganda with the highest peak (Margherita peak at 5109m). Filming snow caped peaks, Valleys, birds, Rwenzori Lakes, Rwenzori vegetation among others. Filming in Rwenzori requires all the film makers to be physically fit because it involves climbing hills and mountains to capture the best photos.

4. Filming in Kampala city – its the capital city of Uganda with a variety of attractions which attracts the attention of the filmmakers. Kampala sits on seven hills namely; Namirembe Hill, Mengo Hill, Old Kampala Hill, Nakasero Hill, Rubaga Hill, Makerere Hill and Mulago Hill. The mentioned hills adds beauty to Uganda’s Capital city on addition to other attractions like Kabaka’s Lake, worshiping centers, Uganda museum, Kasubi tombs and theaters among others. Kampala city is in the heart of central region which makes it easier for the filmmakers to carryout their activities.

5. Filming on Lake Victoria – Lake Victoria, the largest of all African Lakes, is also the second widest freshwater body in the world. Uganda shares Lake Victoria with Kenya and Tanzania and what is amazing is that, the lake is dotted with many beaches and islands which attracts filming activities.  Filming on Lake Victoria requires more days to be able to explore may amazing sites on it.