Filming on River Nile in Jinja town Uganda – Jinja City is a great film location in the Eastern part of Uganda and is known as the adventure City in Uganda for both local and international travelers. Jinja town was once a fishing village that has evolved over the years and obtained a city status on 1st July 2020. Jinja City is found in Eastern Uganda, East of Kampala the capital of Uganda, and on the shores of Lake Victoria. It is the administrative place of Jinja district and the Busoga Kingdom. There is much to film in Jinja City, Uganda ranging from its River Nile source point, various waterfalls, and Fisheries, Electricity dams, Mabira Forest, and Sugarcane Plantations en-route to the city among others.
The River Nile in Uganda
The River Nile is the longest river in the world. Its source starts right from Jinja town Uganda, and some people may still be wondering how the name Nile came about. It’s a famous Greek word merely meaning valley. It flows from the surrounding areas close to the Equator line to the outrageous Safari desert and up to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The River is about 6696kilometres long and pours its water to over nine countries, although it’s more centered on Uganda as well as Egypt. This famous River and longest comprises two major twigs, the white and blue Nile that connects in Khartoum to form the core Nile that is made up of Cataract Nile along with the Egyptian Nile.
Jinja City is one of the best areas for fishing in Uganda, Nile perch being the main fish caught here. Most filming companies have shown interest in this species, crystal Fixers Uganda shall organize your Nile perch filming, and you will have a fantastic time and great shooting. These fisheries have improved standards and earned a living for the locals through the fish trade. Fishing markets are daily flooded with fish for commercial and human consumption, and recent fishing festivals were introduced; these are some of the other things to cover in your documentary.
The Source of River Nile Point
For many years there have been many conversations to confirm which area is the source of the River Nile the world’s longest River apart from Jinja City, River Kagera in Rwanda and Mountain Rwenzori in Uganda are other areas which have for the past claimed to be the source of the River Nile, however, all still stands and confirms that the source of River is in Jinja City which was identified by the great British explorer John Hannington Speke and a monument was built as confirmation. This is one of the great documentaries to shoot on and about the great River Nile. You will take a boat cruise to this point and as well visit the communities living on the shores of the River Nile.