Filming Golden Monkeys In Uganda

Golden Monkeys colonizes Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. The park is situated in far south western Uganda and its part of Virunga region which is shared with Rwanda and Democratic Republic  of Congo. Compared with other monkey species, the golden monkeys are gorgeous in appearance. Golden Monkeys co-exist with Mountain Gorillas in MGNP and booking golden monkey trekking may turn a golden chance to meet Mountain Gorillas on the way hence beating two birds using one stone.

Its estimated that Virunga region hosts between 2000 to 4000 habituated and semi- habituated golden monkeys therefore, filming habituated golden monkeys makes the work simple since habituated golden monkeys are familiar to human being however the semi- habituated take off whenever they see human beings.

Once you contact Crystal Fixers Uganda, you will realise that filming Golden monkeys in Uganda is one of the easiest business. We arrange for your press accreditation, security, Filming Gear clearances, accommodation, scouting, location pass and so on.

What is the best time to film Golden Monkeys in Uganda?

Golden monkey filming is done throughout the year however, dry season is the best to avoid rain destruction. Dry season starts from late December to early March and from June to August. June and July are the driest months in the south but rain.