Popular places to film lions in Uganda include:
- Ishasha sector
- Queen Elizabeth national park
- Kidepo Valley National Park
- Pian -Upe Wildlife Reserve
Filming lions in Ishasha sector is one of the major tourist activities in Uganda. Ishasha sector is situated on the way to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park from Queen Elizabeth National Park. While in Ishasha sector, filmmakers can capture the pictures of tree climbing lions in motion. Tree climbing lions is a rare specie and only found in one location where you can meet them swinging on the fig tree.
Filming lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park – Lucky filmmakers can capture both tree climbing lions and those which do not climb trees. However, the lions which do not climb trees are commonly found in QENP.
Filming lions in Kidepo Valley National Park – The park is located in far north Eastern Uganda but the thrill obtained from meeting lions erases the bad memories obtained in trying to reach the park.
Filming lions in Pian -upe game reserve – you can as well film other animals like Jackals, wild cats, spotted hyenas, civets and leopards among others. Tree climbing lions can also be spotted and filmed nearby Amudat wildlife conservation area and Pian-Upe Wildlife Reserve.
Requirements for Filming lions in Uganda
- Each filmmaker need a media card from Uganda media Council. Crystal Fixers Uganda can assist you to process all the required accreditation needed to film lions in Uganda.
- Filming equipment like camera, flash, camera stands and so on. Crystal Fixers Uganda can as well give a hand in clearing filming gear in the customs at the Airports and border posts.
- Filming contract obtained from Uganda wildlife Authority and from local authorities where lion filming takes places.
- Accommodation – Crystal fixers Uganda is here by assisting you book accommodation for the filming crew.
- Security for guarding filmmakers at the cost of the filming crew. You can hire security guards with guns or without, those in uniform or without uniforms.
Note: As film crew fixers, crystal Fixers Uganda just assist in fixing filming preparations but the film crew finances every thing.